Yes I had the entiiiiire last week off... and I needed it badly. So I headed out Friday to Pittsburgh to my man's apartment, Saturday we went to see Dave Matthews Band for my b-day pressie, Sunday we went to his parents for dinner and then headed back to my place! Monday we relaxed a bit and ran errands because Tuesday we went to Cedar Point for 2 days! They have a nice deal where you get a 2 day pass to both the amusement park and water park at a significant discount. So we got a room for the night and did that. Soooo much fun, even with our aging, aching bodies and sunburnt flesh. The rest of the week was spent relaxing and hitting the pool, but I also made quite a bit of progress on the afghan:

Turns out my man used to x-stitch, so he got a little kit and reacquainted himself with that while I finished all the x-stitching on the afghan. And I'm back into crocheting on it. I also started some plastic canvas coasters to go with it, which are nice and quick and will also go in the auction. That's all for now... back to work tomorrow :-/