Tifffany's Ramblings

Friday, September 30, 2005


See my finished pumpkin. It was getting late and I had no original ideas that I could carry out so that's what I ended up with.
I used some white paper and purple puffy paint for the eyes, silver puffy paint for eyelashes, twisted wire for eyeglasses, pink felt and red puffy paint for lips, and yarn and beads for accessories. I thought she turned out pretty cute, but I didn't win. Here is a closer view of her face:

She will be up for a month at work, then word is that we will make turkeys for November. I'll have to do something good that time. More FO's later... ;)

Tuesday, September 27, 2005


OK, so I have no idea what happened to the coloring on this, but I have an pumpkin on an orange piece of paper I need to decorate for work. The best on our team gets a prize. Any ideas? I have a few, but would welcome more...

In other news, I have some FO's. I've been working on these for awhile to use up some scraps. I had this cottony "thread" from a bathing suit cover up I was making for my mom for a vacation present. She suddenly decided to request a shawl tho, so the surprise coverup got scrapped and the balls I had not opened returned. The ones that were opened, however, eventually turned into these.

(Click to make bigger)

I just single crocheted some rectangles, sewed in a zipper, sewed on some beads, and stitched up the sides - easy and elegant. Unfortunately my digital camera sucks and doesn't capture the beads or the color well, but they still look alright, I think.

I had a big photo shoot this weekend so I have more FO's and such to show soon. Hopefully I can get back into blogging again...

Saturday, September 24, 2005


No, that's not what I look like now... I went to see Tim Burton's Corpse Bride tonight. It was short but really really fun. I will own this when it comes out on DVD. As if the movie wasn't great enough, there was a really long preview for Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire. I try to keep up with the previews and stuff over the internet, but this one was new to me, and it rocked.

In knittings news, I've been doing some. I started Kepler and am pretty far on the first sleeve, with the cable band of the second sleeve knitted. I haven't found much time, energy, or motivation to blog lately tho with work (lots of meetings, the move, etc) and other fun (meant in both a sincere and sarcastic way) stuff going on. I could do a detail day by day post of it... but it's way too much and not all public information.

Til another day!

Friday, September 09, 2005

I'm still here. I just got a head cold and have been inundated with garage sale preparation (ugh). And I had a wonderfully busy holiday weekend full of movies, fairs, and eating out...yum! I had another elephant ear and it was THE BEST. If I am lucky, I can score another one this weekend, when I head to an amusement park (if my headcold lets me). I did finish a sweater, start another, and start a bag. Pics of that stuff when I am not dizzy and seeing spots. And when I don't have to model it with a Rudolph nose!

I did post some knitting content on the Kepler KAL page...too bad I don't know how to X-reference it here.

In work news, I had yesterday off as my comp day for the holiday (I naturally have Mondays off). When I got to work today I had an email that I had won a drawing for a $10 prize! Woohoo! I think I am going to get a Bath & Body card.

Sunday, September 04, 2005

I'm totally joining! I couldn't take it anymore. I want...nay need this sweater. To knit and to wear. I might not be so speedy at it, but I can try. I am going to start this just as soon as I finish up with my current sweater...which I already finished all the big pieces for and seamed, yay! If I work hard, I can finish it tonight after I get home. If not, then tomorrow mebbe. Kepler news soon!