Just wanted to say hope everyone had a great 2007 and is gearing up for an even better 2008! I have been busy lately - Matt found out h got the job he had been interviewing for last Friday (YAY!) so we had to go get him a car yesterday (yay for that being over but BOO for new car payment). Also, we've been busy with visiting people for Christmas and stuff... and now we have to pack to go to Disney World in 4 days (SUPER YAY). When we get back (Saturday Jan 12) he will have a day to recoup before starting the job! Then we can start saving up vacation time for the wedding/honeymoon and maybe another trip to sneak in if we can.
I have been knitting on a Xmas tree skirt but haven't taken any pics yet - maybe later while I am putting Xmas stuff away and starting to pack for the trip.