Hail the conquering hero...
Ok so maybe I didn't really conquer anything, but I have made a lot of progress. I finally buckled down and worked some more on a toe up sock and whatever mistakes I made I just pushed right past them. It is turning out alright...except there are some small gaps on the sides of the heel which I am trying to figure out how to close. I think the way I picked up the wraps and such wasn't quite correct, but I think I finally found a good website which gives a lot of details. I am going to try this method on sock #2. The sock is still fine...just not completely perfect...so I will have to give em away or else I will nitpick until I tear them apart (literally). That's just how I am :-P. Anyways, here is a pic of the sock, almost done:

Pain-In-The-Neck Pouch
I think I mentioned before that I was working up the leftovered dyed wool I had to make a little bag. Ugh, what a mess. So I knit up the 2 pieces and felted them but they felted oddly and not even the same amount. On top of that, somehow the colors changed and they were more different than before. So then I overdyed to make them match...but then they smelled (ew). Anyways I then machine stitched the zipper on and sewed them together, stretching and such since they felted to diff sizes, then I washed in cold to get the smell out. It felted a little more from this but whatever. Anyways, here is the finished product:

Sometimes we're not as evolved as we think...
Or maybe it's just me. Yesterday I was carrying a ball of yarn back upstairs (I had used it for some waste yarn)...and whenever I carry a ball of yarn I just have to toss it. Well I got halfway up the stairs, dropped it...and it rolled to the bottom. Cursing the yarn...I went down, picked it up...and started my journey anew. This time I got past the landing when I dropped it...it fell down the few steps to the landing...not too bad...but then went all the way down the second set of stairs as well. UGH! Why don't I learn? How animalistic can I be? Anyways...after that I sadly forced myself not to play and finally put it away.
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