It's dead week, and I'm feeling it. For all you non Georgia-Tekkies Dead Week is the last week of classes before finals...supposedly no tests/quizzes take place and usually no homework exchanges hands but it is still a very taxing week. I am actually giving a test Tuesday by orders of my lead professor...I wonder if the students will complain much. Which means finals next week, I only really have one I have to study for...the first one on Monday. The evil demon known as Hilbert Spaces, and the fact that my textbook has a lot of errors in it does nothing to help.
On the Project Front...
Since I finished the Bulky Socks I have completely abandoned my knitting (for now). I am working on a top secret project now (well not secret, as I said, I just don't want to wrong person to see it as it will be their X-Mas present) which is nearing completion (I may get very close tonight)...then I think I am going to make an airplane pillow for my boyfriend for his birthday. That's what happens when you don't tell me what you want! So I am going to try to develop a crochet pattern for that, which I will then post. I wanted to find the pattern I used to make the many knitted one-skein bags, but I think I just had it in my head and have since forgotten it. Oh well...perhaps I will find a little postie where I made some notes at least.
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