Woohoo picture time! First off is the sock that I finished....

It came out alright I guess...I don't really like the way the toe is tho...which is why I want to do it toe up next time.
Now.....fuzzy slipper time!!!! First the before picture...

This has bad coloring because I took it late at night before I felted. It's so misshapen...which I am not completely convinced that it isn't my fault. But it doesn't matter because here is the after......

That is much closer to the actual coloring...altho it is a bit brighter than that! And it is perfectly formed to my right foot! I love it...
I stopped at the store on the way home because I had a coupon and I wanted to get some more wool with it. They had a sale and I got some woolease worsted for only $.75 a skein! I feel some more socks coming out of those.
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