Got bored with current projects and took a little break to whip up a scarf out of a lone skein of Homespun I had lying around. Here it is:

I also set up a page to sell off the many projects I have lying around. I am one of those "craft for craft's sake" people who make all this stuff with no real purpose for it. I just like making it and end up with a stockpile of finished crafts in my closet, so I thought I would see if anyong wanted to buy them at, in my opinion, reasonable prices. If anyone thinks something is mispriced (too high), then let me know. If it's priced too low then I don't really's not meant to be a business. (Just click on my button in the sidebar "Tifff's Craft Emporium" to get to my main page.)
Besides that I am hoping my Kureyon yarn comes soon...I probably won't start on it right away but I am anxious to see what colors I'm getting...woohoo.
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