Oooooo the Kureyon bag shall be mine! I talked to my stepfather and he was wanting my eeyore and piglet for his little cousin. I was only willing to depart with piglet...and when I said I would send it he said he would buy me the yarn for the Kureyon bag I want to make! Yays! I chose a bunch of colors I liked then said surprise me...I love surprises :)
More finished projects...
Well I am done with baby items for now. I think I am going to actually try and finish up some of my larger the birdhouse afghan. I was wanting to give this to my boyfriend's mom for xmas since she collects birdhouses. Anyways I wanted to make the hat match the sweater but ran out of blue and green yarn so I used some yellow to finish it off...and then made some yellow booties out of the remaining yarn. At least I have little leftovers...just a tiny bit of yellow. I think I will put these booties, the blue booties, this hat, and the sort of matching cardigan all together as a gift...maybe for xmas if it is a boy (my bf's sister's baby, that is). Well here's the pic:

One thing that I can say about this Baby Coordinates yarn is that it makes faboo pom poms. I attribute this to the fact that it frays like mad as soon as it is cut. While I am not wild about the blue pom poms on the sweater...these which I used all 3 yarns...are so full and soft. Wonderful!
The tune of the day is:
i said a hip hop a hippie to the hippie
to the hip hip hop, you dont stop
a rockin to the bang bang boogy say upchuck the boogy,
to the rhythm of the boogity beat.
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