I finally got out the baby cardigan again...and made quite a bit of progress. Last night I finished the back and one front I did the other side, and then did all the edges (neck and the 2 button sides). It is looking a little warped now but I think after I finish it I can take care of that. All that's left is to knit and sew in the sleeves and then the side seams...yay! Oh yeah, and buttons. Well, here is what it looks like now...basically done cept w/o sleeves and buttons:

In other news...
I don't know how much more progress I can force myself to make on the this came in the mail today:

Lots of fun sock yarn...I can hear it calling my name to knit it and see what it looks like. My mom is flying in tomorrow so if I don't play with this yarn tonight it might be several days before I can...well we will see.
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