Well, here is the afghan I am working on:

It is quite large, as can see by the fact that it is only 2/3 done and covers a good bit of my queen size bed. I have to say that I now know why I had abandoned this for so is a PAIN IN THE BUTT and it's not working out how I'd hoped. The squares aren't fitting together great and the yarn (tho all the same dye lot) is changing colors, ugh. On top of that my gauge has changed in all this time and I didn't bother to recheck and now the bottom rows are larger than the top rows......double ugh! I washed it to see if that would did a little. The border may help a little more but I think this is definitely going to have to be a give away will drive me NUTS if I keep it. And from now on I need to remember: I hate pieced together afghans!!!!!! ESPECIALLY when the pieces aren't all the same! (Someone remind me of that on occasion, please)
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