Project Progress
I'm making mad progress on the Birdhouse throw. Yesterday morning I had half the motifs done and sewn of right now I have 6 out of the 8 remaining done and the other 2 I just need to do the final border on. Then I need to sew these together and do 2 rows of border on the entire afghan. Woohoo this just may be done tonight...or tomorrow.
Non-Craft News
As for tomorrow, I am planning on going to the mall to buy some jeans and to mail my package. And why am I going tomorrow? Supposedly the show Dance Fever will be at the local mall...and it should be good for some laughs...heehee.
Anyways, I don't want to take a pic of the afghan til it is finished...but here is a pic of my funky green sandals I got last week when my mom was here. I got them on clearance for only $5 at Walmart...they are a fun lime green and really cushy...I just love them (despite the fact that the backs flop when I walk). Don't judge my feet...just my shoes :-P

The tune of the day is:
Conversation Intercom,
You hear what i say but
It comes out all wrong.
Conversation Intercom,
You say what i see still
You speak in different tongues.
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