I dyed the yarn (and my hands) to make the Suki Bag yesterday. Here is a pic:

I decided to change the colors because I wanted to make sure there was enough contrast. There is some variation in the skeins but I think that since it will be double stranded and since it will be felted (which makes that white fuzzy stuff appear) anyways, this won't be very noticeable. And if it is, I will call the colors heathered, hehehe.
Other Crafty News
I am chugging away on my afghan...slowly but surely. Still waiting with baited breath for my September issue of Crochet! (why is it so late and WHY have they not responded to my e-mail?) and my Kureyon yarn. Perhaps by the time it comes I will be near enough to done on my afghan that I can justify starting another project, hehehe.
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