The Continuing Adventures of Crafty Tifff and Irritating Belligerant Guy
Well, things continued per usual in Analysis, but in Algebra something new happened. Belligerant guy was shot down by the prof! Sweet justice! When he made a comment to the effect of "WAIT! *I* don't understand that!" the professor replied with "Well if you had been here for the first lecture you would know that...". Now normally this would irritate me about the prof, but in the case I will make an exception. Afterwards, he was his usual self tho. I'm also happy to report that I got to Algebra early enough that I got a seat near the front and sniffle/hacking guy was behind me, which didn't irritate me as much. However, I got so absorbed in the lecture that I forgot my jacket. Hopefully it will still be there when I go back for it.
Well, yesterday my AC broke. Not broke as in stopped operating, but I heard a *drip drip drip* coming from the maintenance closet and, sure enough, a pipe was leaking. So I turned off the AC to stop the leak and called the emergency number. They wouldn't come out (dammit, it was more than 85 degrees outside, that qualifies as an emergency!) and said they would be by first thing in the morning. Worried they might come at an inopportune time, I showered the night before and vegetated on my bed with the fan blowing on me for a bit of cool. Of course they didn't come til 11am the next morning. I wish that was when MY day began. Anyways, it seems fixed now and my apartment is slowly cooling down to its usual temperature. Maybe tonight I can actually get some work done.
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