Tifffany's Ramblings

Wednesday, September 24, 2003


I've been suffering from startitis lately. First I stopped the scarf halfway to make gloves. My justification was that I wanted to use up all the yarn so I should see how much the gloves take, blah blah blah. Now I've started a new scarf...my schizophrenic scarf (aka the much less interesting multi-directional scarf). My justification here is that I needed an "upstairs knitting project" and I couldn't work on the other scarf cause the gloves weren't done blah blah blah. The truth is I had 2 balls of variagated I've been dying to use...and this is perfect for them. I am also planning on starting my sweater this weekend regardless of where I stand elsewhere. Bad me! At least I should have a decent amount of knitting time this weekend, yay.

Besides startitis, I am suffering from ripitis. I am wanting to rip out all these old projects I've made and make different things out of them. Because I either don't have a use for what I made or have found a better use for the yarn or whatnot. Arghhhhhhhhh. So I guess I have Itis-itis.


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