Tifffany's Ramblings

Friday, October 03, 2003


It's a wee bit nippley this morning...and I'm LOVING it! hehehe. I finished the green part on my sweater front last night and I will be working on it ferociously today. Also I am practically done with the scarf, I've got it off the needles and am just adding some more fur to it now...yeah! I was hoping to knit til I just ran out of woolease and then just use up all the fur, but it was getting pretty long and it's a gift so I decided to stop. It is the perfect length to wrap once around the neck and have both ends hanging in the front, and it looks great that way with the hat! Yeah!

BTW I got an email today informing me that it is the anniversary of Rembrandt's death...just thought I would pass that tidbit of trivia along.


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