Tifffany's Ramblings

Thursday, October 23, 2003

Haven't been posting much lately because not that much has been going on. Or perhaps because so much has been going on, but none of it interesting to anyone else. I've started a scarf to go with the blue hat and mittens I made previously. This will be for a 4 year old's bday in January (my boyfriend's niece). I am itching to do more socks, so I may do some selfish knitting once the scarf is done. It's quite a ways along, so my feet may be cozy again soon.

On the school front...things are going ok I guess. My analysis prof seems to think I am doing "very well" by some freak occurance. He is now urging me to consider candidacy for the PhD program, saying I would have "no trouble qualifying" for the program. FYI (to those not living in math la-la land) to qualify for PhD candidacy you have to pass this big test called the comprehensive exams. (This is kinda like the boards for med school or the bar for a lawyer, etc). It tests a couple of subjects...in my school 2: Algebra and Analysis. It is notoriously hard. Lots of PhD hopefuls never make it past it. And the analysis part is supposed to be much harder, and I think my prof even helps to write that section. He must be seriously mistaken. I currently don't have plans to torture myself that much.....


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