A few FO's to report before I head home tomorrow. First, The socks I've been working on. Nothing special, just boring woolease sport in blue mystic (i think). Here they are:

Also, I worked up Nakiska from the Winter Knitty. It was one of the few things I didn't hate in this issue. Here it is:

It looks a little wonky because I bound off very loosely to make sure I could get it over my head, but it is fine once it's on. Steaming it made the yarn angry, however, so I am going to try washing it to calm it down. This is the same yarn (Woolease wheat) that I made mittens out of...all from one ball with about .5 oz to spare still!
I also started a new scarf (for no reason other than to keep myself from getting too antsy) out of a random skein of soft acrylic yarn in a dark olive and leftover fun fur (about half a ball ~30 yds) in champagne...I'm really liking how it is looking. I am doing a lacey center panel flanked with seed stitch and with a thick garter stitch fur band at each end. Maybe I will leave a progress pic tomorrow morning before I leave if my computer and isp are being agreeable. After I leave, I will probably still post once in awhile, but there won't be any pics.....oh well. I'll be back to full capabilities January 3rd!
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