I'm still chugging along on Accordian, but I've gotten to that state where I am bored with it and ready to start on something else. That always happens around the sleeves. I am about 1/2 through the first sleeve, then I need to knit the other, do all the seams, and sew in a zipper. Not too bad.
I am thinking about Sonnet for my next project, I have 4 skeins of woolease sport in purple and some buttons in mind that I think would go really well. Of course I need to swatch first and see if I like it. I'm not sure the 4 skeins will be enough but I found a couple places online that sell the color, so if it's not I can get more (for a hefty fee, of course...bleeeeeh). I'm feeling a duty to get rid of some of my stash yarn before buying more...but in the meantime I am sure saving up quite a few bucks.
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