Tifffany's Ramblings

Saturday, February 14, 2004

Sonnet is done! Well, it is washing now and then I just need to attach buttons. I have put off posting until it was done so I can post a pic of it, but there has been no sun for several days so the pic will just have to wait. I expected to have it done yesterday (and as of 2pm yest it was off the needles and sewn up) but due to design decisions it took a lot longer. Besides that, Tuesday I had a test so I was really busy all week. My yarn from One Fine Yarn arrived on Wednesday (I told ya she was fast!). I had ordered a grab bag of Cascade Fixation in anticipation of some socks. I got 6 balls, (3 different colors) of multi for $30.50 including shipping...not bad! On the wrong yarn from Herrschner's note, they haven't yet replied to my email from last Saturday. Grrrrrr.

I got my test back Thursday and did well (a safe A, yay!) and have no homework due in my math classes this week, just a lab report. Also, due to a conference I have Tuesday off (but I do have to make up for it by coming in on Friday). If all goes well (and I doubt it will), Vance will be able to fly in Monday night and we will be able to spend some time together. Problem is, he would have to get someone to cover his shifts and since they are so shorthanded, the people would rather work for overtime than work for someone else...which is just something else to feed my evergrowing dislike of people in general. Well, enough whining for me, I'm off to knit something!


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