Not much to report on the knitting front. My boyfriend flew in Tuesday afternoon (he left Monday afternoon and got stuck in Chicago overnight and had to sleep in the airport, eeks!) and he hadn't been here since Halloween so we had a lot to do (him especially, lots of little things I needed fixed, hehehe). Also, we ditched Sprint, signed on with T-Mobile, and got new phones! They look like this, but silver.:

And there's a camera on the back too! I don't yet have the doodad to download the pics to my computer, but my boy is looking into that.
Besides that, I am thinking of making some wine charms for gifts next Christmas (hey, it's early, but I start whenever I get a good idea). There are directions in an old Crafting Traditions magazine to make these 4 differently colored bunches of grapes, so cute. I'm ordering some glass leaf beads off ebay and I will get the other stuff next time I go north.
In knitting news, I finished 4 more critter blankets (they're washing now) and have worked a tiny bit on my socks...hopefully I will get some work done on those tonight.
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