Tifffany's Ramblings

Monday, March 22, 2004

There's a carnival on my foot (and everyone's invited)!

What does that mean? Well it means that I finished the first sock, of course! And here it is:

Isn't it wild? The color is called Carnival. I really like the way the cotton feels on my foot and the pattern on the sock, but I doubt I will be knitting these again just cause they hurt my hands so darn much.

I also found a fun project I wanna knit for my mom for her birthday. It is a sleeveless turtleneck out of homespun. The catch: I want to use the color everglade (she gushed over it at Christmas) and I have only one skein of it (I need 2). I looked around for it at local stores to no avail, and I don't really want to place another order at Smiley's, since there is a minimum order amount. And herrschners...well.....bleh. Does anyone have a skein they'd like to trade?


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