Bleh, I have a presentation to give today that I spent a good part of the weekend working on. No, I'm not that much of a procrastinator, we just got our topics Thursday night, ugh. So today I have to dress up (somewhat) and speak in front of 4 students in my class, one of my professors, and a stand-in for my other professor on "Thermal Analysis". Not too bad, cept they told us they would get back to us on what AV aids were available to us, and they didn't. So I have a spiffy power point presentation that I may or may not be able to use...bleh.
In other news, here is a WIP of my new sweater.

I absolutely adore it and am right-on gauge (a shock for me), but I am still worried I will run out of yarn. At least I know that I can easily get more if I do, even if I do have to pay top dollar for it. Eek. About the yarn, it's Schoeller-Esslinger Bermuda. I realllly love this is very soft and has a nice drape to the finished fabric. And because it's ribbon yarn, there's NO SPLITTING...whee.
Oh yeah, my cards didn't sell. Oh well. An old calculator I hadn't pulled out in years sold for $42.50 tho...woohoo.
And lastly, I need to whine. Does anyone...anyone know how to read those little heiroglyphics on yarn wrappers? The ones that tell you how to wash and dry your yarn, when words don't. I look at them, and I know they're trying to tell me something, but I have no idea what.
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