Busy busy busy
I've been too busy to post lately. Most of my time has been spent with projects and homeworks and studying for finals. The little bit of freetime I do have I spend knitting or reading. But I just wanted to do a small update to say I finished the back of my sweater (yay!) I'd take a pic but (a) that takes time and (b) that takes storage space, of which I have little (both). Also, I redecorated a lamp I had with a adhesive lampshade, some pretty velum with french writing, beaded fringe, and other trim. I also used gold wax to paint the chrome. After tomorrow the worst final will be over, then I have to study up for the final Tuesday, then I have a few days before my final final on Friday. Also my research advisor has been writing a paper on some work we've done together, and so I'm a co-author and have been keeping up with that. And on top of all that, I've been running around trying to get all my graduation paperwork filed, while still hunting for a job when I can. Whew!!
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