I finished the afghan for my boyfriend! Here she is:

This will be a gift for our anniversary...which is in less than a month. 6 years...makes me feel old. I got the pattern for this from Lion Brand's site. I used Homespun as follows: 10 skeins of Prairie, 2 skeins of Creole, and 2 skeins of a greenish color that may or may not be called arkadian (I forget the name). I really love the way the Prairie changes, and the way the other colors combine with it. Too bad the photo doesn't show that very well.
In other news, I still haven't gotten the yarn to finish my cardigan. It was sent a week from yesterday and it registered in town last Thursday but they haven't delivered it yet. I don't like to moan about USPS cause my mother and stepfather both work there, but they can be sooo incompetent. This is the third time I've had problems with them in less than 2 years. Once they didn't leave a package when they were sposed to, once a package was lost for a couple weeks, and now this. Not to mention the constant rudeness from some of the clerks when I go to send stuff.
Yesterday was a great mail day tho. I got 2 packages stuffed to the gills with yarn from LoriO. Oooooooh and there was some delicious chocolate in there too. Some of the yarn will go into my red/pink/purple blanket that is still in the planning & collecting phase.
My boy is going to try to come visit me tomorrow for some much needed relaxation time. And the weekend after this upcoming one I have dinner plans with a cousin who is passing through on his way to florida (neither him nor I can seem to stay living in one state for very long). So at least I have some fun stuff to look forward too. Oh and we might go see Shrek 2 tomorrow.
Now go knit and listen to some T-Rex! Cause you know you want to.
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