Tifffany's Ramblings

Friday, May 07, 2004

Some good news on the sweater front. I finished the brown denimstyle sweater I was working on. After getting a few inches into the miles of stockinette stitch for the back, I said to myself "What in the world am I doing?!" Then I set up my sweater machine and whipped this baby out. I did make a few mistakes from not reading the pattern too carefully which caused it to be smaller than I wanted. It still fit but I wanted this to be a very roomy sweater, not a formfitting sweater. So i whipped up a couple of tapered panels and sewed them on the sides, under the arm, and up the sleeve. It worked out surprisingly well. The sweater doesn't lay flat when I lay it down, but that's ok cause I'm not flat. Also I didn't like the rolled look at the bottom and sleeves, so I added a little bit of a garter band. Holy cats, were there a lot of stitches to pick up and knit across the bottom!

In other news, the yarn to finish my blue sweater has arrived, and it was even the same dyelot. So I just need to finish the sleeve on that then I can wash these babies and take some pics. My computer has been ignoring my camera again so we'll see how well this works.


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