that's how many crocheted yo-yo's I finished before I ran out of acrylic scraps. Total number that I need for the afghan is 900+. Looks like I'm going to need to generate some more scraps. The quickie projects I've been making have served just that purpose. I could also buy a few small skeins I suppose, but that kinda defeats the purpose.
I've also started on an afghan out of some homespun i have for my aunt for her birthday (in November). I'm working it double stranded on a q-hook, so it should be a quickie. Not sure I have enough yarn for it now, so may have to get some more. I'm trying to avoid buying yarn lately tho (and doing a damn good job, if I say so myself) excepting for when I need more yarn for a project I already have in mind and have some of the yarn for.
I'm still sick. I went to bed exceedingly early last night. Hopefully I will have this thing licked before Monday. It's hard to do my work when my head is so fuzzy.
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