Tifffany's Ramblings

Monday, June 28, 2004

Well, I am officially deleting another site from my blogroll. Can you tell which? Yup, it's blackdog. In the beginning I felt like I got something useful out of reading this but it's become a bit too catalogue-ish for me and I'd been debating leaving it for awhile. Plus, I never plan to order anything from them because (a) I don't like the idea of emailing in my order and wondering if they got it or if someone else got their item before me and (b) I've heard mixed reviews about them. Maybe someday in the future when everything is running more smoothly (although by then I will hopefully have my own LYS). And then there was the post about it feeling too catalogue-ish and how it was planning to change, but it didn't. Sooo it's goodbye to that and in the meantime I really need to find some more interesting sites to keep me entertained. If anyone knows of a site I don't that has funny/interesting text, nice pics, and a writer who isn't too dumb or full of themself, then let me know. I tried surfing the Knitblog ring but the site after me doesn't appear to have the ringlink on it (grrrrrr) and so that idea died fast. And plus I end up seeing the same sites all the time.


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