Tifffany's Ramblings

Thursday, June 03, 2004

While previously I had been very much on a knitting kick, lately it's been control central around here. Besides all the projects I showed in the last post, I took some more pics that didn't come out and will have to be done with the next photoshoot. Also I've been working on lots of crocheted potholders, intending to buy "Cabana Wraps"...probably tomorrow...to use up some of my large amounts of cotton. I really don't like cotton all that much and am trying to use up some of the larger amounts of it that I have. So anyways, it's been all crochet all the (crafting) time...which is definitely a proper subset of ALL my time (I promise).

I found some cute cocktail stickers for my wine charms, no luck at finding wine ones really. I found some sets that had like one wine bottle each, but I was not willing to buy 12 marriage sets or whatever. These are cute enough and will go nice, I think.

Also I joined the new (I think) Crochet Blogs ring! (see sidebar). Y'all should join too, ya'hear?!


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