I have several new FO's to report...some of which I've photographed. The rest are awaiting better lighting...the reason why I didn't do it today? Around 10:30 am I got a knock on the door and it was some guy who said he'd been hired to reglaze the tub in our bedroom. About 6 hours later he was finally leaving, our apartment stinks to high heaven, and we can't use that tub for 48 hours. We are very unhappy with the apt management for not telling us this guy was coming or anything. It still stinks in here and I can't get the bedroom window to shut all the way...so I had to wedge a towel in there to keep the rain out and the cool air in. Grrrrrrrrrrr. Anyways, without further ado, the FO's. First off we have a simple hat knit with Woolease Chunky and ready for Xmas gifting:

Next, some polymer clay ornaments I have been working on. These started out as a present for my papaw for Xmas...he used to work for a railroad company and he collects train paraphenalia:

Then, I decided to do some for myself and others:

I didn't draw the pictures on them, obviously, I used a neato idea I got from some HGTV show where you can burnish a picture onto uncured clay if you print it with toner (not regular printer ink) and rub alcohol over it several times. And voila, a little bit of color mixing, some aging stuff (in the case of the train ones), etc and it's done. I still need to put a ribbon through them and maybe some beads...so they may end up being even purtier. I have several more things to photograph which I might get to tomorrow.
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