I haven't posted in awhile cause I haven't had much to show or tell. I went for an interview with an investment company on Tuesday, and I have a second interview with them next Wednesday to find out more about the job (in depth). I am almost done with the sacque of the knit layette set I am working on, but I realized I don't have a #4 needle (well I do, but it's a straight needle and I refuse to use it) and an acceptable #4 circ has so far eluded my capture. I may go out to my LYS and see what they have, or I may just order something online. I'm nearing the end on the garter knit blanket, so I will have that to show soon.
Besides knitting, I've been painting and beading. I bought a bunch of beads and made some stitch markers for the GSRP as well as some other things. I painted a little box which is almost done and which I will probably show soon.
Yesterday I pampered Vance by taking him out to lunch (my treat) at his choice (Olive Garden). And then last night I was very sneaky. I had made Rice Krispie Treats and he took the last one on the way to work. I was pretty sure it was the last one and when I chastised him for leaving an empty pan out and not putting it in the sink, he swore there was another. Of course there wasn't. So I cleaned the pan, baked cookies, put them in the pan and hid all the baking tools in the dishwasher. When he came home I sweetly asked him to please get me the last Rice Krispie Treat. He knew there was none left, so he went to the pan filled with dread but opened it to find it full of cookies! heheehheeheh sneaky sneaky.
Starting Sunday Vance is on 2 weeks of paid vacation, and we have a free weekend trip to Grand Rapids we might take advantage of. That's about all...gonna go now cause I'm feel quite a bit crappy.
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