Mail Call
Yesterday I got a gifty in the mail from Marie! They are really fun and pretty fingerless mitts! See...

They are so pretty and soft that I can't wait for it to get cold enough to wear them. When I got the package and saw them, I immediately put them on and started humming the theme to Rambo and punching the air. Yeah!
Guilty Yarn Pleasures
I've been telling Vance to not let me buy anymore new yarn. When I get the urge, he is supposed to say "Remember you have that box of yarn [from the GSRP] coming and you don't know what kinds of things will be in it!" He has been doing pretty well, but he sleeps til noon and I get up hours earlier and I already saw the big sale in the Hobby Lobby ad. So, somehow, this happened:

I don't know how it happened, eek! Luckily I still have time to hide the evidence and he will never be the wiser, right? (On a sidenote: it's my personal yarn money I spend...I don't sneak out and spend both of our bucks on my guilty indiscretions). The green Woolease Chunky is going to be a Raglan sweater (pattern from the ballband) for my stepfather for Xmas. Hopefully 6 balls is enough, it's all they had in that color. It should be a pretty and nice gift...and for under $20. And hopefully a quick knit. The fun fur I just couldn't resist...the colors...the sale price...
And now for something completely different...
Check out this. Real life models of some of M.C. Escher's work...nifty!
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