Tifffany's Ramblings

Wednesday, September 01, 2004

No pics today, since I am caught up on them and am now working on some slightly more time consuming projects. Last night Vance and I went out to Joe's Crab Shack and the new Exorcist movie with his friend and his friend's girlfriend. The movie was alright; I must say I was disappointed. The historical stuff was ok but too stretched out, the special effects were neat but kind of misplaced once you finally got to them. It definitely didn't live up to the first one...but since it was a free movie I'm not complaining.

Since Marie asked about the job hunt, I guess I will give an update on that. There's not too many jobs to apply for, but I apply to all the ones I have seen. I have gotten a few calls, one for a teaching job at Sylvan and one from a financial consulting company who saw my resumé on Monster.com. I have an interview with the latter next Tuesday. Not sure yet what the job entails, I guess I will find out then.

In unrelated news, I chopped off all my hair! OK not ALL of it, but damn close. I would say I had about 8 inches cut off. It's now right about at my shoulders and feels sooooooooo good. Maybe I will post a pic in a few days after that choppy new haircut look grows out a bit. I bought Vance a bunch of ink washes for his little pewter figures he paints today, and tomorrow we have a date to go to Michael's to get some acrylic paints (for him) and for me to shop too, heehee!


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