Whew! It's been a busy coupla days around here. Our plans to go down to the farm on Saturday were thwarted due to a thunderstorm in those parts. Since we wouldn't have been able to feed and pet on the cows and such, we decided to put it off. So the new plans are to go down there this Thursday. I have a third interview with the Investment company this Friday, and I have to have a marketing plan written up to bring in...so I will be working on that.
In other news, I am doing a knit swap with Marie. I knit her a pair of socks and just sent them off today...so she should be getting them soon. I did take some pics, but I'm not going to post them until she gets her package...it's only fair that she sees them first.:)
I also finished the strips for my Dad's afghan and now I need to attach them together and do a border....yeah, I'll get to that eventually.
Also knitting on the white layette set...about 15% through the blanket. Bleh, so sick of knitting baby blankets at this point;perhaps it's time for a new project...
I got the new Crochet! the other day...not really anything I want to make in it tho. However, I picked up the new Knitter's today and there is a funky hat in it I may not be able to resist. Like I need more hats...
New FO pics coming soon!
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