Tifffany's Ramblings

Tuesday, October 26, 2004

Because I promised a pic...

I bring you this:

It's an ooold pic of me and my Dad that we scanned to test out the scanner. A couple of years ago, I made this pic from an old photo by cropping and zooming (at one of those Kodak picture maker thingies) and then put it in a frame for my Dad. Since I got 2 pics out of it, I kept one, and that's what ya see here.

I started a new project. A crocheted sweater out of Wiggles yarn...I'm having a bit of trouble with gauge (I think I've finally determined what size I need to make with the yarn change), so I may have some progress to show on that soon. I also picked up some more yarn for the afghan...so am plugging along on that. Real progress pics soon...maybe today if the sun comes out.


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