Tifffany's Ramblings

Monday, October 25, 2004

I was hoping to have the afghan finished Friday, but that didn't happen. Then I hoped it would be done yesterday, but still no. I am off Tuesday so after work today I am gonna crochet like a madwoman until it is done tomorrow. At least that's the plan. Then I can find a new project to work on, perhaps the Cardigan that I got the Paton's Divine for. Or I might make a poncho for Vance's other niece so they both have one...in TLC wiggles. I have some but will probably need more...but since it is on sale at work this week that is no big deal.

I was bad and got more soap making supplies so I have been churning that out. I just need a contained for it all now...

Well, we're off to get Vance's car...which should make my days less tedious...yay.


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