I've got a new toy!
Lookie see:

Yup it's a drop spindle. Vance helped me make it last night. I realized a bit ago that I had the round pieces in my wood stash and so I went out and got some dowels, a hacksaw, and some hook screws and voila! Now I just need to get some fiber so that I can play with it...hmmm...
Since I had several of the round pieces and I had to buy the dowels and hooks in multiples I will probably make more. It can't hurt to have more than 1, right? I may also offer some up for trade...or in a contest...whee.
In other news, I went to a job fair yesterday and it suck suck sucked. There were less than 10 booths...including Family Dollar, Hardees, and Mary Kay. bleeeeeeeeh. I did get my resumé to an IT company and Kelly Scientific, tho. So keep your fingers crossed.
That's all for today. I will finish knitting my purple sweater today but I may or may not sew it up.
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