I finally have a picture of my FO to post. My excuses for not posting it earlier are rainy days when I was off, and no light or too tired when I wasn't. So here it is:

I just got word that Vance's sis (and bro in law) bought the farm they were wanting, and now they want to have a craft boutique there. Can you guess who their "suppier" will be, at least in part? Guess I'd better get cracking on some quickie scarves. I already have a lot to sell (as evidenced by my for sale page), but it's kind of random stuff with no structure. Hmmmmm....
In other news, I started Vance's sweater again. That bugger is giving me so much trouble...especially the yarn (Lion Microspun) which has a tendency to tangle and split. I decided to forgo patterns since I couldn't find one I liked...and I am now doing a drop shoulder ribbed sweater of my own construction. I think it will turn out ok...
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