Tifffany's Ramblings

Thursday, December 16, 2004

I'm still here, kinda. I've been running around lately like a chicken with it's head cut off trying to get things done and ready so I can relax for xmas. Yesterday I went out and got paint and taped up the bedroom and today I am painting it...PURPLE! The color is actually called cascading violet (which a friend pointed out sounded like a plant disease...hee!). I am also working on my bedspread to go with it. I knew what I wanted the end product to look like but I wasn't sure how to achieve it. I finally dove right in with strips and single crochets, and after joining the first 2 strips I think it is coming out well. Now I am just worrying about the drape, but since it's a bedspread I guess that's only slightly relevant.

I got a wonderful package in the mail the other day from Vera, who sent me some 50/50 hemp/cotton yarn (which I've never used), some patterns to go with it, some lovely postcards, and a crochet book. Yippee! Maybe I can play with that once all the mayhem dies down some. That's all for now. Hopefully more later once I am back into the swing of things.


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