Look at the cutie pie I found this morning! My mom and I were driving to Kohl's and we were cutting through the medical center to avoid traffic (since it's closed on Sundays), when I yelled "STOP!". She hadn't noticed, but 2 puppies had run in front of our car, with noone around to claim them. Someone was coming from the other direction so we jumped out and held them til the person passed, then tried to figure out whose dogs they were. None of the other passersby claimed them, and when we drove around nearby houses noone there was looking for missing pups. So now my aunt has the other dog (a chihuahua) while we are keeping the Basset Hound, til someone claims them. If noone does (hopefully), we will keep them both! I have named her Daisy (as in Daisy Miller). I've always wanted a Hound Dog...so this seems like fate! :)
In other news, I got a new computer last Monday...my first laptop! I got a great deal on it at Circuit City (booo to Best Buy) and financed it with no interest for a year. I was going to just pay for it, but I decided to use that money for interest bearing debt and just finance the pc. I love it tho, so nice and portable. And no errors yet!
Last Sunday I spend the day at the Great Lakes Medieval Faire, which was a lot of fun. I got some elf ears and horns which I wore around. I also bought a pretty ring and some funky earrings, which I wore of course. Afterwards we went to the movies, and I still wore my garb. We saw Fantastic Four, which was fun, funny, but kinda short. I did like it a lot tho!
I also have plans to see Charlie and the Chocolate Factory soon, and I can't wait! I have been waiting for that for forever!
Whew! I'm pooped after all that. More at a later time ;)
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