Tifffany's Ramblings

Monday, August 08, 2005

Calling All Scraps

I have some sock yarn that I will probably never use. It's pretty and all, but I just don't knit on the itsy bitsy needles that much, plus I rarely wear the socks I knit (my feet are prone to itching from them). Sooooo, instead, I thought I would see if anyone wanted to trade. What would I like in return? Well, believe it or not, scraps! I'm not really looking for your basic worsted acrylic scraps (I love them too, I just have enough), but anything else is fair game. Any color, any texture, any size. And as long as it's got at least ~10 yards, it's good.

When I am stuck in a crafty rut I like to turn to scraps to make something that is at least interesting texturally and has a wide variety of colors. I've done a scarf and mini-shawl (stole?) in scraps so far...pics of them later. So, if anyone is interested in this (particularly if your scraps just sit around neglected), drop me a line. I will work on taking pics of available sock yarns later.

I also whipped up a poncho this weekend from a skein of Joann's Sensations Rainbow Boucle yarn. It turned out pretty nice, and was really quick...I'll work on snapping that in a bit too. Oh yeah, and my tennis sweater! ;)


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