I finally finished those darn washcloths! I made 16 for xmas gifts, to make sets with my handmade soaps. All the ends are finally woven in, all my cotton I had bought for it and a few other random skeins are used up, and all that is left is to block them when i gets sooner the day. Yay!
My next project is one I started before and ripped because I had goofed it. It's the chic cardigan from hip knits. Here is the pic from the book:

I'm kinda glad I goofed it before, as the size I was making woulda been waaaay too big. So now I am making the medium, which is 43" but I think it's sposed to be big. So that should be ok. I'm also using a different color. Namely, the one on the right.
Work is going pretty well. I was surprised with an award earlier this week. Apparently my buddy (the person I get resource assistance from for an hour each day) thought I was doing really well and so she nominated me for it. I got a certificate, a candybar, and an entry into a raffle. Well, today someone else nominated me for ANOTHER one. Woohoo! The girls who sit by me from my class are a bit jealous ;) Now, I just have to resist those 2 candy bars so this sweater will still fit when I get it done... teehee!
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