I made these slippers for my aunt a couple of birthdays ago. Turns out she loved them beyond all belief, and kind of requested a pair for her bday this year. I made her the poncho already, but I decided to hunt down the pattern I used and make her a new pair of these. I trudged to my craft room and pulled out my binder full of printed patterns/ free pattern leaflets, but had a lot of trouble finding the pattern. I couldn't find it online either. I was so convinced that I had printed it out and kept it, that I reinvestigated this morning and I did finally find it. But all the searching convinced me (not that it took much) that my binder was TOO messy. So I headed out this morning to office max, bought a big 2" binder and 200 page protectors, and set out to organize. 3 hours later I have a binder full of beautifully organized patterns. The only thing I did to divide them was print out the subject title on a piece of brightly colored paper, which sticks out since all the patterns are on white. And I found that I had a lot of doubles in my pile of mess.
Oh yeah, and I started a new pair of slippers too...in red. They won't be *quite* as crazy this time around ;) I also swatched for
Kepler, and I think the Bernat Denimstyle will work. I get gauge just fine, but am a tiny bit worried about the marled yarn obscuring the cable. Only time will tell... Now I just need to finish the cardigan I had already started...I have the back and fronts done...and am pretty far on the first sleeve, woo!
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