I'm still here. I just got a head cold and have been inundated with garage sale preparation (ugh). And I had a wonderfully busy holiday weekend full of movies, fairs, and eating out...yum! I had another elephant ear and it was THE BEST. If I am lucky, I can score another one this weekend, when I head to an amusement park (if my headcold lets me). I did finish a sweater, start another, and start a bag. Pics of that stuff when I am not dizzy and seeing spots. And when I don't have to model it with a Rudolph nose!
I did post some knitting content on the Kepler KAL page...too bad I don't know how to X-reference it here.
In work news, I had yesterday off as my comp day for the holiday (I naturally have Mondays off). When I got to work today I had an email that I had won a drawing for a $10 prize! Woohoo! I think I am going to get a Bath & Body card.
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