In an effort to post more often I am cheating and writing this on Monday to publish at a later time. But it's all old news anyways so that's alright. A few sweaters I finished up earlier and took pics of a few weeks (maybe more like a month or so) ago but have not yet shown off. Well, here they are.
First up is the tennis sweater from vogue knitting:

I'm so not a fan of having my picture taken, can you tell? I used Lion Microspun for this since I had it in my stash and wanted to use it up. I only had a little bit of white leftover from a shawl I made for my mom to take on vacation to Cancun with her, so I omitted the stripes at the neckline. I also did less rows for the neckline so there was a bit of a deeper V, cause i don't like things anywhere near my neck if I can help it. I like the way it turned out, now I just have to actually wear it. :)
Second (and last, for now), is the Chic Cardigan from Hot Knits (I think) that I worked up with some earth colored Paton's Divine. I have shots of i both opened and closed for your viewing enjoyment:

I think I like it better open, even tho I spent forever (and a significant bit of bucks) picking out the buttons. This will be nice for the fluctuating temperatures at work, except that this yarn tends to shed. What else is new.
That's all for now. I have some more things I'd made in my absence (from blogging) that I should round up and photograph one of these days.
Very nice! The tennis sweater is really cute and very flattering. And the cardi looks nice and warm. Enjoy them both!
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