I finished the capelet for my aunt the same weekend I started it - so quick! I only used 2 skeins of homespun instead of the 3 called for on the site. Both the capelet and the flower is 2-toned, mainly cause I couldn't find the same color in stock. But I think it's cute! See:

I'm hoping she'll like it. She's a fan of purple and victorian things. :)
Continuing with my sweater giveaway, I have a tunic I had crocheted for my mom. She likes it but it's grown too long for her. So if you like long sweaters, check this out. It's about a 38-40" bust and maybe 27" long. It stretches in both ways tho, so fits a wideish range. It is crocheted from woolease sport. I think the color was called "royal blue".

And a close up of the stitch...

Like this? Want to wear it? Leave me a comment or send an email off to tifffany(at)gmail(dot)com.
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