Well I finally finished blocking and photographing the pineapple sundae doily. I had doubts that it would turn out flat, as it was very 3-Dimensional as I was making it. But I really like the way it came out! It was meant to be 21" across, but mine came out closer to 19.5". Here is the finished shot:

And a closeup of the pineapple portion:

I used straight pins stuck into the carpet to block this baby (on a towel, since I was afraid of it dyeing the carpet. It says colorfast but I have a green streak on my hand to prove that's not necessarily so). It worked alright, but I have since bought some T-Pins, which I think will hold it better and not bruise my finger when I stick em in.
The pineapple doily came from this book:

I made one other doily from this book before, and it came out well too.
Now I am onto another one... called Heirloom Pineapple Doily... in the same shade of green. I finished all the main rows, now I just have to work the points... fun fun!
Very pretty Tiff! What size needle do you use for doilies?
Hi karen! I've been using a size 6 hook (you knew they were crocheted, right? ;) ) for all of mine, regardless of the size it says. And I try to crochet much tighter than usual. I find this sometimes makes them a smidgeon smaller than they are "supposed" to be, but produces much crisper stitches
And thanks!
Stunning Tiffany! Love the green.
I just bought a Dover book on Irish lace. Looking forward to trying my hook on some of those motifs.
I meant hook, not needle duh! haha I would love to try something like that one of these days.
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