The second, and even larger, pineapple doily is done, done, done. I finished the crocheting Monday whlie watching the new Lifetime movie, wove in all 40 or so ends (!) on Tuesday and blocked it, then unpinned it yesterday and had a quickie photo shoot. Here she is:

I really like this, even better than the other one. I think I like the lacier look for doilies... and it makes em go quicker too! Here's a detail shot:

This baby is about 26" or so in diameter (just slightly smaller than the 28" the pattern claimed). I blocked the dickens out of it with my new T-pins, then spray starched it a little while it was all wet and stretched. It came from this book:

This is later called "Timeless Doilies to Crochet". There are some other cute ones in here, I think I might've made some others. While the first pineapple doily took almost exactly one ball of 350yd size 10 thread (It went slightly over but there was a knot that I had to cut out... if not for that it might have been exactly one), the second took maybe 1.5. Which means that I still have plenty of green left for the doilies in bloom! Oh, and did I mention I got this green stuff on clearange ages ago for $.45 a ball? That means that gift of 2 giant doilies well be just over a dollar... exxxxcellent.
Just beautiful Tifff! You really make me want to make a few doilies again. :)
that is beautiful! i'm going to have to try a doilie! i love it.
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