As promised, and sooner than usual, the finished crocheted Glitterspun top! This will be for my mom for her birthday in June:

I quite like how it came out. I threw in an extra ball of glitterspun to make it a bit longer. It was quick too, despite my putting off working on it.
Here is Lion's pic of it:

It's a pay pattern, but pretty simple to do. Adaptable to any yarn as well, I'd say, with only slight modifications. I think it makes a cute semi-dressy over top.
In other news, I started a baby blanket for a co-worker. I'm using Joann's Sensations Rainbow Boucle in light blue (it's a boy) and this pattern. It's looking cute so far.
Heading to Pittsburgh for the weekend (per usual), so catch ya next week
How pretty! I bet your Mom will love it! Have a great weekend!
That is really nice. :) I love the color - neutral to go with anything. I know your Mom will really enjoy wearing it..especially since you made it!
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