Not the best pic, but here is a scarf I recently finished:

I used 2 balls of Moda Dea Fresh to make this. It took me awhile to find a stitch where the yarn would look decent. I liked the way it turned out, but don't think I'd make this again. I have 2 more balls of this and am not sure if I am going to whip up another scarf or use it in conjunction with other yarns to make something more interesting... leaning towards the latter at the moment.
Easy crocheted pattern, but I still wrote it up so I'd have the right number of stitches and somesuch, in case I decide to make another. Shoot an email to tifffany(at)gmail(dot)com if you want it.
I love it! Very cool. Now you need to make yourself some purple wings to go with it. ;)
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