Tifffany's Ramblings

Wednesday, September 27, 2006

I did something somewhat unheard of (for me) today. I got out an old Xstitch I had begun years ago and worked on it for hours and hours and hours. It's a Xmas stocking I had bought and was making for myself. I love the image on it, but don't so much love stitching it. Why? It's almost alllll white with lots of similar shades of blue - kinda boring. But I am so far along that I think I am gonna try to do it. I have 3 more stocking kits waiting in the wings - maybe someday - as well as tons of other kits and a few other XIP (xstitches in progress, of course).

Has anyone tried the Knitpicks needles? I know many people have tried the interchangeable ones... but what I mean are the fixed needle circulars. I see they have them in size 0 and 1... and I am dying for those size of sock needles. If you have, let me know!

I finished the Caron Shadows Ribbed scarf and a matching hat... pics after blocking. I also saw a sign up for a craft fair in a couple weeks. Haven't called yet - but I'm thinking about it. The main deterrant is that I have noone willing to sit there with me - booooo.


At 2:21 PM, Blogger Karen said...

I have one of their fixed needles in a size 3. I am using it for Icarus. I love the point and the cabel and haven't had any trouble with mine. I did read on someones blog though that she had a fixed one break on her twice. But so far so good with mine.


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